people go to church because they believe there is a god that will listen to them and help them (this partains to all religions). they also go there to understand their god and how to be with them in the after life (basically the most cut-down version of going to heaven). movies are made to tell the stories of the bible. books are written to pursuade people to a religion by helping them understand it. imagine it like a sermon but in reading form. gods don't come down from hevan for whatever reason, whether it was their choice or the religion was false. I can't discuss that part of the topic any more because thar's all i know. lastly, the bible is not a "little nighttime story" or any "good book". practically all religions havethier own bible to live by that tells of the histroy of their god, the requrements to be with that god, and any other rules for that religion. muslims, for example, are told to take ou their enemies in violence while christians are taught to bring people to god peacefully. so bibles aren't like any other book, written by some guy, they are history, and the most essential part of any religion because it places the rules that are required of the followers. i hope I've helped you understand religion and its purpose. please consider my reply to be neutral, i'm just5 trying to help you understand the concept better.
Believe whatever you want.
The Bible isn't a million years old though.